How Can I Delete a Patient’s Profile?

If your patient never downloaded the application and you wish to delete their profile, follow these instructions:

  1. Connect to your OdySight dashboard.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click Profile.
  3. An Archive button is in the Actions Click it to archive the patient’s profile you want to delete.
  4. Then, in the left-hand menu, click Archived patients.
  5. A Delete button is in the Actions Click it to definitively delete a patient’s profile.


          An example of patient you can delete.  

          As per U.S Regulations, a patient cannot be deleted in this way if they activated their OdySight account. A patient activates their account when they enter the 8-digit code you sent them by email and SMS. Therefore, you can only delete the profiles of patients who never downloaded the application, or those who downloaded the application but never used their 8-digit code.

          If your patient already used OdySight but doesn’t want to continue, you can archive them. If you wish to look at their profile, you can find it in the section called Archived patients, in the left-hand menu.

          If a patient who already downloaded the application wants their account definitively deleted, he can delete his account directly from the application by clicking on the “delete my account” button. His request is sent to our DPO (

          Then they will receive a notification to confirm them that their saved results have been delated.

          All data related to a patient is automatically deleted after two years of inactivity.